Friday 16 November 2007

Influential Music

I was asked by Princess Sarah Wife to write about the most first song that kindled my love of music.

The first piece of music that really engaged me was the Dr Who theme tune by Ron Grainer. The show was essential viewing for a child of the seventies with Tom Baker, Jon Pertwee and the BBC Radiophonic Workshop making a low budget sci-fi TV show into something truly enthralling. My anticipation of each episode was full of excitement and also fear, and the theme tune with it's surrealistic title sequence just enhanced the emotions, as my brother and I hid in the clichéd location behind the sofa . The tune has a raw simple electronic feel, as it opens with rhythmic heart pounding pulses. This gradually transmutes into a throbbing melody, before the wail of the main melody whips through the whole thing on another level completely. During the closing titles there was also an extra treat where a bridge brings in a new melody in an truly uplifting medieval style.

Is their any wonder that I grew up with a love for electronic and instrumental music? They can go and stuff their new orchestral version, it's lost all it's machine soul!

Wednesday 4 July 2007

One use of strong language

Went to see Die Hard 2.0 tonight, and everything got smashed up by Bruce Willis, and it turns out that nerds are cool after all.

There was much carnage, but not enough swearing, I didn't notice the "One use of strong language" that the BBFC promised me. Thankfully I did see Mr Willis take on the evil terrorist/thief/hackers, he unplugged their modems, trod on their glasses and dropped them down a lift shaft. Rah!

Man he can drive a truck!

Saturday 23 June 2007

Lots of watery fun

We went to Wells on Thursday, and the weather was fairly good, but the tide was right out so we couldn't reach the sea without an epic trek, so we made do with splashing about in pools in the sand. Sarah was excited when she found out her Crocs floated, so we had a Crocs race, and I lost. We popped in to see my folks and then we went and did something secret somewhere else.

The next day was our fifth wedding anniversary so we decided to go swimming at the Splash pool in Sheringham. I went on the flume a lot, and hit an insane 13.86 MPH - nose bleed! The wave machine was switched to "Tsunami" until the boss came back and they switched it to "Ripple" setting - boo!

Today we went to Briston Church Fete, it pissed down, so we squeezed into the overcrowded hall. Got to the cake stall early and bought a ginger cake - num! Then we went home.

Thursday 21 June 2007

I'm on a roll!

We went to Cambridge yesterday, but we didn't leave till 2:30PM and we stopped at Little Chef, so we didn't get to the park and ride till after four, and we had minimum shopping time.

I bought a vinyl album in Fopp, and I thought it was the Barbarella soundtrack album, but when I got it home, I realised it was a repressing of a tacky sixties Pickwick Records cover album, with tunes from Barbarella and some other random tunes done in a lounge-core style. Apparently it is quite a cheese classic, despite my initial disappointment. (It's not even Jane Fonda on the cover!).

Some Samples Here

I wish I'd bought the Banana Splits album now.

Went to my brother's afterwards and he made us baked potatoes and forced us to drink his home made elderflower champagne. It was very tasty.

Watched the Robot Chicken Star Wars Special this morning, it was funny.

Wednesday 20 June 2007

My Bi-annual Post


I went to Yorkshire and saw some stuff, but it rained.

Then we came home and we saw Karen and Simon and went to see rescued animals and we rented out a turkey called Tessa.

On Monday I got my hair cut, and now I look like I'm in Busted.

We went to see Pirates of The Carribean: At Worlds End, it was very odd, and I kept nodding off, but the big fight at the end was cool.

I am watching the six hour TV mini-series of Stephen King's The Stand, pretty good but it's not as good as the book.

I bought a game, it is Shadow of The Colussus, you have to fight big... errr... colossi
